Sunday, 28 February 2010

all i have is too many questions!

Hergün binlerce karar vermek zorunda olduğumuz halde dünyaya gelmeden önce kimsenin bizim fikrimizi sormamış olmamış olması durumu beni hep şaşırtmıştır.
her kararımızın meshulü biz isek neden doğmak kararı bizim değildi?
evet dünya güzel, gökkuşağı parlak blah blah ama neden herşey bizim kontrolümüzdeymiş gibi empoze ediliyor?
karar vermek kapatıp açabileceğimiz bir şey olsaydı mesela, bu gece hiç bir karar almayacağım diyebilseydik! ama bu da bir karar değil mi?
pişmanlık aldığımız kararların bir sonucu olsa bile pişman olmak bizim kararımız değil mi?
kontrol delisi gibi gözükmek istemem ama keşke her ikilemin iki yönünüde tecrübe etme şansım olsaydı.
bir ben yatıp uyusaydı, dinlenseydi de bir ben oturup bunu yazsaydı?
bir ben kalsaydı, bir ben gitseydi?
bir ben aşık olsaydı, bir ben mantıklı?
hislerimi dinlemek bile benim kararım! ama ya kapatsaydım hislerimi, kalbimle mantığımı söküp atsaydım...?

seçmek istiyor muyum peki? ya da neyi seçmek istiyorum?
hatta seçince ve seçmeyince neler olur biliyor muyum?
hayat yazı-tura atarak yaşanacak kadar değersiz mi?

peki ben şuanda neyi düşünmekten kaçmayı seçiyorum bunları düşünürken?


Friday, 26 February 2010

sorry little more ivo's classes for you!

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Is lady gaga just entertainment? Is our class not that serious? blablabla, obviously those questions often pass across teachers minds...

But the real question must be What is entertainment then?

Because everyone seems to accord so much importance to what he is doing, how many times a day do people say ‘no no no, but this, this is serious.’

What is serious? something that is not entertaining?

Then maybe we should reconsider this word, one more time.

Entertainment, a very interesting term, usually it makes us think of pleasure, in the distracting sense. Playing games, reading useless magazines...

But the real meaning of entertainment may be much deeper;

this word is in French ‘divertissement’, this word comes from the latin: Divertere, Divertere means to turn away (the translation is a bit fuzzy , in french it s se detourner).

So, turn away from what?

The French philosopher Blaise Pascal, wrote a liasse about entertainment:

He was pointing the fact that the idea of death put fear in ourselves, but this fear is so deep, the anguish in which this idea put us, the fear, is to big for us. We can t handle this idea so we try to escape from this idea. Everything is just escaping, running away as far as we can. Everything includes studying working, art, maths, sciences, talking, wars... According to him, if a man could stay alone in his room, without falling into the vertigo of this idea none of the troubles of our world would exist...

marie the great medici

Sunday, 14 February 2010


...the maps of the colonies pavillions at the swann island

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

being monumental-unmonumental...

breakfast n.3 hommage a guy debord

allée des cignes, allée des signes...

first drawing of the eiffel tower

About Travelling

Paris, New York, monuments, places, tout ces termes nous font simplement penser au voyage. Mais qu'est réellement le voyage?

Pour Gilles Deleuze- philosophe français du XXeme siècle- le voyage au sens dans lequel on l'entend aujourd'hui, n est qu'une "rupture bon marché". Les petites vacances à l'étranger, le repos à la campagnes, les visites de villes, le tourisme. Tout cela, que nous affectionnons particulièrement, il le qualifie ainsi: "Une rupture bon marché". Et de fait, n'est ce pas finalement notre illusion qui entretient cette passion pour le "voyage", les "vacances à l'étranger"?

Nous laisserons là cet aspect contemporain et réducteur du voyage pour en venir à cet autre voyage.

L'homme le plus apte à parler de cette notion si banalisé doit être Nietzsche, le "penseur vagabond".

Nietzsche est un vagabond dont les mauvaises pensées ne viennent qu' en marchant et à qui l 'inspiration survient dès qu' il ne cherche plus.

Nietzsche passa sa vie en nomade, allant d'un lieu à un autre, ne dinant jaamais autrement que d'une part de gateau et d'un thé.

Nietzsche évoque la notion de l'éphémère au crépuscule; cette image est lié a l'emblématique baroque. En ce sens que cet être fragile qui ne fait que passé sur la terre qui ne dure q une journée, cet homme éphémère cet homme insecte, est attiré par la lumière, irrésistiblement. Lorsque il la trouve, il s'y brûle. Image de la vanité barque que l on peut également retrouver dans le mythe d'Icard.

Ce moment du crépuscule est pour Nietzsche là ou la vérité se révèle, car elle est de l'ordre du clair obscure. La vérité est, ce qui montre , ce qui est rendu visible, selon Platon, descartes, etc. pour eux la vérité est toujours lumineuse. Or pour Nietzsche la vérité est faite d'ombre et de lumière. Une vérité qui ne serait que lumière serait aveuglante et surtout sans ombre, vérité contemplative: extase contemplative de la connaissance. Il n'y a pas pour Nietzsche de but final à la vérité, il n'y a que le chemin, le voyage qui passe par l'ombre et la lumière.

De façon générale, il ne s agit pas pour nietzsche de donner un but à son voyage, mais de préférer l'errance, le vagabondage, un art de flânerie, de la promenade ou de la marche plutot que la réduction d'un voyage déstiné à un lieu précis. Ou alors si l'on se donne une destination,c 'est bien qu il faut ne pas arriver.

Ces destination il faut se les donner soi mm et ne pas hésiter à en changer. Nietzsche dit les montagnard qui s'épuisent à gravir les montagnes, ne regardent même pas le paysage autour d'eux pendant qu ils gravissent, ils ne pensent qu'au sommet. Or il est bien possible que ce sommet n'existe pas ou soit décevant, ou qu il ait moins d'intérêt que le chemin qui l'y mène.

by marie the great medici.


Wednesday, 3 February 2010

You can use this palette for your own piles of clothes, Parisian chic black is no longer the order of the day.


Breakfast Part II

compliments of Isaure.

Lebanese breakfast compliments of Marie.


Band a Part.Jean Luc Godard,(Tarantinos company stole the name) The Dreamers,-Bertolucci, you, me, oui, the list is endless, one thing influences another. the cause effect.

cake [keɪk]

1. (Cookery) a baked food, usually in loaf or layer form, typically made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and eggs
2. (Cookery) a flat thin mass of bread, especially unleavened bread
3. (Cookery) a shaped mass of dough or other food of similar consistency a fish cake
4. a mass, slab, or crust of a solidified or compressed substance, as of soap or ice
Have one's cake and eat it to enjoy both of two desirable but incompatible alternatives
Go or sell like hot cakes Informal to be sold very quickly or in large quantities
Piece of cake Informal something that is easily achieved or obtained
Take the cake Informal to surpass all others, especially in stupidity, folly, etc.
9. Informal the whole or total of something that is to be shared or divided

1. (tr) to cover with a hard layer; encrust
2. to form or be formed into a hardened mass

cakey , caky

D’après Joseph Kosuth

Isaure Perrin, One and Three cakes, 2009
(Un et trois gateaux)
Installation: tabouret en bois, gateau au chocolat et 2 photographies
200 x 170 x 0,70 cm
Presentation Critical study first semester, Parsons Paris

the works are resemblant to Joseph Kosurth, a banal clinical object made art, but now the nostalgia of his 70s work seems more poignant than the original idea.artists are never original, the ability to re work, re imitate, re build and re think is the what the art world is about today.
and the classes recreation


mi proyecto que es un conjunto de extremada locura, una pizca vision de futuro y mucho, pero que mucho tape sigue en proceso. despues de haber rodeado un cuerpo, 4 cuadernos, 1 libro y 5m de tela unicamente con cinta adhesiva mi obsesion ha llegado mas alla y he decidido darle una vuelta mas a la situacion... he decidido juntar mis dos pasiones, obsesiones y crear una 'capsule collection'. en otras palabras: voy a hacer de mi misma material para un manicomnio pasandome los proximos meses rodeada, casi viviendo pasionalmente con las cintas adhesivas de la foto y mi plan es crear 5 chaquetas.
es un proyecto con poco futuro.... porque lo mas probable es que termine en una esquina cual adolescente premenopausico (se que no tiene sentido pero imaginad la cantidad de hormonas..) comiendome las chaquetas y la cinta adhesiva y atacando a todos los que intenten acercarse a mi....
os ire informando .... y deseadme suerte!
un beso
alex tape!


My project is composed of extreme craziness, a futuristic vision and much more, but a lot of tape is still in the process. After having wrapped a body, 4 notebooks, 1 book and 5m of cloth solely with tape, my obsession has gone out of hand and I've decided to add another twist to the situation...I've decided to combine my two passions, obsessions and create a "capsule collection." In other words: I am going to drive myself crazy spending the next couple of months surrounded, practically living passionately with the tape in the above picture, and the plan is to create 5 jackets.

It's a project with no real's most likely that I'll finish on a corner like a pre-menopausal teenager (I know it doesn't make much sense, but just imagine the hormones..) eating the jackets and the tape and attacking all who dare come near me...
I'll keep you all posted ...and wish me luck!


alex tape!

(translation by: Andrea)

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

this post is not about bananas. enough said.

Make bananas, not war

Vive les bananes!